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Dr. Elizabeth Brew
B.Sci (Clin Sci). M.H.Sc (Osteopathy)

Elizabeth Brew graduated with a Bachelor of Clinical Science and Masters of Health Science Osteopathy from Victoria University. 


Elizabeth is a passionate about providing treatment that suits the individual. Through an intuitive hands on approach, she aims to address the underlying cause of her patients pain in order to achieve more wholistic results. She believes wholeheartedly in the beauty of the anatomy and wholeness which guides healing. 


Of particular interest to Elizabeth is helping people with headaches and neck pain. She will always strive to use an empathetic approach to try and help her patients manage their pain.   


Elizabeth has many special interests, in particular she loves to help the older community to achieve a better quality of life through education, osteopathic treatment and exercise. She provides free falls prevention seminars to local community groups in the hopes of encouraging the older community to make positive health choices.

With a keen passion for supporting her patients bodies to continue doing what brings them joy, Elizabeth believes that education is empowering. She takes the time to share her knowledge so that each patient can take back control of their bodies. She offers valuable occupational and lifestyle advice so that the benefits of the consultation reach beyond the clinic room. 


All aches and pains are of significant interest to Elizabeth. She is particularly enthusiastic about neck pain, headaches, & back pain.  


Elizabeth is available in Balnarring on Wednesdays and Thursdays and in Hastings on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.




Dr. Karen Buckingham 

B.Sci (hons), B.App.Sc. (Clin.Sci), B.Osteo.Sci.

Karen deeply appreciates our place in the natural world and is fascinated with the natural laws that create the dynamic vibrant world we live in. Karen’s understanding of how those natural laws express within us is expressed through her work as an osteopath.

Karen uses subtle touch and movement to support the innate wisdom of the body as it undergoes processes of change and repair.

Over the years, Karen has had the privilege of providing osteopathic support to people of all ages groups. She has a special interest in assisting babies, toddlers and children, as well as women pre and post pregnancy.

Karen has undertaken extensive training in biodynamic osteopathy (phases 1-9), cranial osteopathy (SCTF) and myofasical release. She has supplemented her osteopathic knowledge with studies in many areas of interest including pregnancy, pelvic pain and childhood development.


Karen works on Mondays.

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Clementine Carnus

B.App Sci (Comp Med). M.(Osteo)

Clementine graduated from RMIT in 2014 with a Bachelor of Applied Science (Complementary Medicine) and a Masters of Osteopathy. She then went on to work in Brisbane, Sydney and New Zealand before coming back to Melbourne in 2019 where she currently resides. 


She was particularly drawn to osteopathy because of its deep respect in the body’s innate ability to self heal and self regulate. As practitioners, we are simply setting the body up to do what it is meant to do, heal itself. She believes this is something unique about osteopathy and why it has such a valuable place in the medical system. 


She enjoys treating people of all ages, but particularly enjoys treating women throughout pregnancy, newborns and helping the mother-baby dyad with breastfeeding issues, people experiencing headaches and jaw problems. She also enjoys treating people who have sporting injuries and more complex conditions.


Clementine has done further training in cranial osteopathy, biodynamics (Phases 1 & 2) and in infant feeding. She has also furthered her training in Hahnemann Healing, a form of emotional healing aimed at releasing negative emotions from the body. 


Clementine is available on Fridays. 

Ellie Watts

Integrated Masters Degree in Osteopathy (M.Ost)

Ellie is returning to the clinic after an extended period of maternity leave nurturing her twin girls Mathilda and Luenna who have now started kinder! 


Ellie has learnt a lot during her matrescence transition and has come to appreciate life on a deeper level. She has seen, through the process of growing two humans in her own body, how fragile and beautiful the human form is and how lucky we each are to be living and breathing in one, on this magnificent planet. 


She hopes to bring this reverence and care into her practise and use her hands to assist in helping each of her patients to more fully enjoy their bodies by assisting to soothe and release musculoskeletal pain. 


Ellie believes a lot of our health issues come from an inadequacy of rest. Our culture always demands more from us and is constantly sucking our time with more ‘things to do’. She has seen first hand how our lack of community and always ‘doing’ can result in burnout, illness and emotional turmoil. She has also seen how the power of proper rest, both internally and externally, and meaningful connection to nature can change lives. 


Ellie would like to hold space for you to rest when you come in for treatment so that your body can allow itself to heal.


Ellie is passionate about helping mothers find space and rest for themselves, as well as assist in relieving some common ailments of motherhood including sore neck and shoulders, headaches and hip/lower back pain. 


Ellie gained her Masters of Osteopathy at The European School of Osteopathy in the UK. She has also completed post graduate studies in Biodynamics (phase I and II). 


Ellie is available on Wednesdays and Saturdays. 

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